Jorik is about using graphics processing units in general purpose (GPGPU) computations: parallel sorting, dynamic PDE and image processing. Jorik is written on C++/DirectX/HSLS, supports both ATI and nVidia cards. It suits for not-gaming GPU benchmarking.
Jorik is a collection of small programs that use enormous computation power of modern programmable GPUs (graphics processing units) of nVidia or ATI for not-graphical, general purpose (GP) computations through DirectX interface and HLSL (high level shading language). The programs rely on Shader Model 2.0, therefore they can be executed on most existing graphical cards starting from ATI Radeon 9xxx and nVidia GeForce FX series.
The project has as its objects three main things.
copy – measures time required to copy arrays from system memory to video memory and backward. This latency is critical for parallel GPGPU application. However copying (especially backward copying) is not very essential thing in 3D games, that is why some vendors seem to not optimize their drivers for the operation.
bisort2 – sorts long array with real 32-bit numbers using parallel bitonic algorithm on GPU and traditional quicksort algorithm on CPU, then compares results. GPU version supports various texture formats with 1, 2, 4 float components per pixel.
wave – solves simple dynamic PDE d2u/dtt - c*c*(d2u/dxx + d2u/dyy) = 0, representing acoustic waves spreading using both GPU and CPU. An explicit finite-difference scheme is used. This test shows GPUs from the best perspective.
Known benchmark results.
color_correct - corrects an image using color look-up table (CLUT). The program demonstrates usage of volume textures and linear filtering. Problem statement is given here.
filter – performs simple image processing: a) blurring with kernel (1 2 1), b) median filtering with radius 1 or 2. The latter scenario is hard for some video cards and may lead them to hanging.
sum – summarizes colors of all pixels of an image, demonstrating how reduction is organized on GPU.
bisort – simplified version of bisort2, which can work only with 1D textures, thus maximum size of array is limited to 2048*4 or 4096*4 elements.
sort2d – alternative sorter of data stored in 2D-textures. It uses combination of bitonic sort for individual rows and shear sort for colums. sort2d works much slower than bisort2.
texcoord/texcoord2 are simplest examples demonstrating interpolation of texture coordinates as they seen from pixel shaders.
Windows 2000/XP + DirectX 9 for running programs.
Visual Studio 2003 + DirectX SDK for rebuilding.
Sources and binaries download.
© Fedor Chelnokov, 2006
mailto: fchs (at)